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Exec a process

Dixer provides a way to execute a process. This will be a program, a batch, or cli command.

To do this create a job with type process.


  • process_path: optional. The path of the process or process itself. String.
  • process_path_var: optional. Variable with process to execute. String.
  • arguments: optional. list of arguments and options. Array string.
  • arguments_var: optional. list of variables with arguments and options. Array string.
  • save_output: optional. Specified if the output will be saved. Bool.
  • save_output_var: optional. Variable with save output value bool. String.
  • output_path: optional. The path of the output of process executed. String.
  • output_path_var: optional. Variable with output path. String.
  • timeout: optional. A timeout in seconds for stop the execution when is reached. Int.
  • timeout_var: optional. Variable with timeout in seconds. String.
  • start_in: optional. The execution directory of the process. String.
  • start_in_var: optional. Variable with the execution directory of the process. String.
  • expected_code: optional. A expected_code to make this job succedd. Int. Default 0.
  • expected_code_var: optional. Variable with expected_code integer. String.

If save_output is true then a output path need to be specified.


id = 'process_job'
name = 'Ping google 3 times'
type = 'process'
ignore_error = true
disable = false
process_path = 'ping'
arguments = [
output_path = 'PATH_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT'
timeout = 0
expected_code = 0
save_output = true


You can save the output in a variable setting the output_path to variable::var_name


On Windows, if process path and at least one argument contains spaces the job will create a temporal .bat file in same directory that Dixer binary. This is a work around of this bug. This work around can be fail for complex command.