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Dixer provides a way to do a bucle like a for with bucle job type.

This job type execute a workflow with configured init and iteracions values.


  • counter_var: Optional. A int variable to define the counter and is updated for each iteration with current init value.
  • init: Optional. The init value of for. Int. Default 0.
  • init_var: Optional. Variable with the init value. String.
  • end: Optional. The end value from init value of for. Int. Default 0.
  • end_var: Optional. Variable with the end value. String.
  • infinite: Optional. Define if loop is infinite. Bool. Default false.
  • infinite_var: Optional. Variable with the infinite value. String.
  • exec_workflow: Mandatory: The workflow to execute.
  • break_condition: Optional: To set expression to break the loop if condition is true. String


With infinite

id = '185'
name = 'Infinite BUCLE'
type = 'bucle'
ignore_error = false
disable = false
infinite = true
infinite_var = ''
exec_workflow = '41:192'

Without infinite

id = '47'
name = 'BUCLE'
type = 'bucle'
ignore_error = false
disable = false
init = 1
end = 5
init_var = ''
end_var = ''
exec_workflow = '1:2'

Infinite with break_condition, this will break when variable i is > 10

id = '185'
name = 'Infinite BUCLE'
type = 'bucle'
infinite = true
exec_workflow = '41:192'
break_condition = 'i > 10'