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The key exec_workflow

This key is string and allow to set all your workflow configuration process with the ID of the Jobs

The Jobs have an alphanumerical string [a-zA-Z0-9_] so let's suppose that we have 4 Jobs with IDs 1,2,3 and 4 for examples.

The exec_workflow control if your workflow is sequential or parallel with commas , and colons : and you can play with this.

For example, if exec_workflow value is 1:2:3:4 means that your workflow is:


One job at a time in sequential form

If exec_workflow value is 1,2:3:4 means that your workflow is:


Jobs with IDs 1 and 2 executes in parallel

If exec_workflow value is 1,2:3,4 means that your workflow is:


Jobs with IDs 1 and 2 executes in parallel and when both completes then 3 and 4 execute in parallel

The workflow defined in exec_workflow global key does not take into account the events. These are configured in every job. See Handle Jobs events. But for preview, let's see this example:

Imagine there are 4 Jobs configured in your package, with sames ID but here we going to use events for calling the other jobs. This is the configuration: Job 1 call 2 and 3 when ocurrs a SUCCESS event, and after calls 4.

So the configuration for exec_workflow is 1:4 and the job 1 will have configured his local exec_workflow for event_success with value 2,3. The workflow is:


4 is called after 1 and all his events complete. More examples in Handle Jobs events