Command line¶
When executing the Dixer binary with -h
or --help
this is the information displayed:
-g, --graph
file path of PCF graph in html
-lic, --license
license file path
-f, --file
PCF file path
-ef, --envfile
Environment variables file path
-fmt, --format
PCF format [toml|json|yaml] default: toml
-v, --variable
set value to variable. Example value: var1="variable value"
-w, --workflow
modify exec_workflow in PCF to execute defined workflow
-en, --encrypt
encrypt PCF file with password specified
-de, --decrypt
decrypt PCF file with password specified
-p, --password
execute encrypted PCF with password
-gcp, --gcpercent
sets the garbage collection target percentage
-ncpu, --numcpu
sets the number of logical processors to use
-memlimit, --memorylimit
sets the memory limit to use in bytes
-ev, --encryptvalue
encrypts a value to use in a key with suffix "_encrypted" in PCF
-genlicreq, --generatelicenserequest
generates the file containing the information for license generation request
-c, --color
enable or disable colored messages in terminal [0|1] default: 1
-h, --help
display this help information
-licreqname, --licenserequestname
set the name in license request
-licreqemail, --licenserequestemail
set the email in license request
-licrequrl, --licenserequesturl
set the url in license request
-licreqcompany, --licenserequestcompany
set the company name in license request
You can disable the color in terminal setting the NO_COLOR
environment variable to any value or setting the TERM
environment variable to dumb
Execute a PCF¶
/path/dixer/binary -f path_of_pcf
Execute a PCF setting variables values¶
/path/dixer/binary -f path_of_pcf -v variable1="my name" -v variable2="my lastname"
Encrypting a PCF¶
/path/dixer/binary -f path_of_pcf -en
Execute a specific job in your PCF¶
/path/dixer/binary -f path_of_pcf -w jobID
Execute a specific workflow in your PCF¶
/path/dixer/binary -f path_of_pcf -w jobID1:jobID2,jobID3